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March 1 2023
The strong work ethic reputation that farm kids carry most often comes from job responsibilities that began at a young age
Feb. 27 2023
During this school year, I have the pleasure of being an intern with Edge Dairy Cooperative, a group that is partnered with Minnesota Milk Producers Association
Feb. 21 2023
Dr. George Heersche taught us that details matter to the health of the whole.
Feb. 16 2023
For the past few weeks, we have been keeping our eye on one amazing cow that has far exceeded our production expectations
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Feb. 14 2023
Valentine’s Day can look different for farmers, but we still have so much to appreciate
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Feb. 10 2023
It’s important to share your perspective on the issues that matter to you with those elected to serve you
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Feb. 9 2023
Our cows have personalities that make working with them more interesting and only occasionally more difficult
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Feb. 8 2023
Depression is a complex set of emotions, and understanding those feelings can help you support others
Feb. 3 2023
As the days start to get just a little bit longer, it has me longing for the warmer days to come
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Jan. 26 2023
One cow on our farm holds a particularly special place in my heart
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Jan. 23 2023
California dairy farmers face their own kinds of struggles, and I’m glad I learned more about their style!
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Jan. 13 2023
Butter sculptures at consumer events highlight dairy in a special way
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Jan. 10 2023
This new year is the time to make the most of what we have and give our best shot
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Jan. 9 2023
A website can be a valuable online platform for your business. Here are some thoughts to get you started
Jan. 4 2023
A new year has begun, and the days are getting longer again. With mild temperatures in the Midwest this week, it almost feels like the start of spring
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Dec. 16 2022
A local chocolate milk and other promotions helped spread the dairy message at the New York City Marathon
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Dec. 14 2022
Start the new year the way you intend to live it — being you
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Dec. 12 2022
Dairy helps us make our favorite cookies, desserts, drinks, and more during this special time of year
Dec. 8 2022
The one question I get asked the most as a robotic dairy farmer is this: How many cows can you run per robot? This is such a loaded question to me. I can dissect this one question into many diffe
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Dec. 7 2022
Whether it is a tractor-loving toddler or a teenager who grew up in the inner city somewhere, we need young people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to be excited about agriculture and help feed the world